After a quick reunion with Skatin Chinchilla and Ives.One, and evading Airport Security due to Towelie resemblance; Bustart, Zaira and Seifrei headed on to the grey skies of England to represent the Xstreets at Upfest painting Fesitival in Bristol.
Armed and packed with Stickers, Paste-ups and creativity, the guys were ready to hit the streets of Bristol. Big Up to Alias and Owys for accompanying our Swiss Family round the city and also going crazy with paste-ups:)
There was a little cock-up with the cans, a few missng from the order;- "It's not funny to make an 8 layer Stencil with 6 different greys"-(bustart), but the walls turned out brilliantly and our Swiss Family represented us proudly.
At least the sun was shining and the beer was cold. You couldn't ask for much more than that from us English:)
Check out the pics and lets hope next year we have the whole crew together! Nice one Bust, Zai and Seifrei, thanks for representing!!