The Xstreets family holiday here in Amsterdam was a whirl of lasanges and pizzas fit for kings... painting and beers and cycling and more painting and beers and cyclying, with the odd little mischief missions in the night. Friday at the Java Eiland started the weekend of with a banger of a wall. Bust, Zai, Skate, and cracked open the spray paint champagne with that one. Saturday was a trip around the town and to the market to make the guys day by buying paint for 3 days for all of us...and so laden with cans we head to an unknown squat building where we find we can paint the outside, (windows and doors included). Things got a little crazy when little monkeys got hold of our markers and started to tag all over the forbidden window....we thought wed better leave them to it...we had more missions to accomplish. The next two days were again spent painting and two really great mural walls came out of it. All in all it was a great Xstreets weekend and with colours of paint flying everywhere we really made the city beautiful this weekend.
donderdag 4 juni 2009
Bust and Zai in Amsterdam
The Xstreets family holiday here in Amsterdam was a whirl of lasanges and pizzas fit for kings... painting and beers and cycling and more painting and beers and cyclying, with the odd little mischief missions in the night. Friday at the Java Eiland started the weekend of with a banger of a wall. Bust, Zai, Skate, and cracked open the spray paint champagne with that one. Saturday was a trip around the town and to the market to make the guys day by buying paint for 3 days for all of us...and so laden with cans we head to an unknown squat building where we find we can paint the outside, (windows and doors included). Things got a little crazy when little monkeys got hold of our markers and started to tag all over the forbidden window....we thought wed better leave them to it...we had more missions to accomplish. The next two days were again spent painting and two really great mural walls came out of it. All in all it was a great Xstreets weekend and with colours of paint flying everywhere we really made the city beautiful this weekend.